Easter Service
What are you searching for? We’re all searching for something, right? Relationships, success, or maybe even happiness? Everything you’re looking for CAN be found. And this Easter at Cascade Hills we want to help you find it! Join us Easter Sunday at the Columbus Civic Center as all our campuses come together for ONE service at ONE location! We can’t wait to see you this Easter as we reflect on and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
Columbus Civic Center, 400 4th St, Columbus, GA 31901
10:00AM Eastern Time
Childcare will be provided for birth through fifth grades at our main campus located at 727 54th St. More details to come!
“He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.”
Romans 4:25
Cascade Kids Easter
Birth through Preschool will take over the 1st floor for an interactive fun filled day that includes a bible story, worship, crafts, and gametime rotation. K-5th children will take over the main worship center for a fun interactive bible story, live music, and inflatables. Your child will not want to miss this incredible service offered at our main campus at 727 54th St. Special Needs will have a special service in our Kids Worship Room. This service will have a bible lesson, craft, and games. Pizza will be served in all of the children’s areas. Parents can begin to drop off at 8AM. Pre-register here!

Additional Service Opportunities

Good Friday at Cascade Hills
Join us for our Good Friday service, April 18th at 6:30PM, at our 54th Street Campus. We’ll take the evening to reflect on the story of Jesus and His sacrifice.

Sunrise Service Easter Sunday
Start Easter morning with us with our special Sunrise service outside in the Park at Cascade Hills. So wake up early and we’ll see you there at 7AM in The Park for a great kick off for the day!