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Legacy Planning
Every year at Cascade Hills as we are going through our “How to be Blessed Financially” series, we have questions that arise. Some of these questions include:
– How do I tithe off of my business?
– How do I leave a portion of my estate to the Church after my passing?
– How do I start Investing?
If you are someone who asks these same questions, reviewing our Legacy Night recording is a great way to get some clarity. Join our guest speakers for the special presentation above.
“Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure — pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.”
LUKE 6:38
Legacy Planning Topics
Need a quick explanation of the topics mentioned in the Legacy Night recording? Click on the topics below for additional clarification.
Using cash to give to your church can benefit you in several ways. It allows you to make an immediate impact on your church’s finances, receive a tax deduction, and demonstrate your ongoing support. By giving cash, you can provide your church with the funds it needs to support its mission while potentially benefiting from a tax deduction for your contribution.
Using appreciated assets to give to your church can benefit you in several ways. It allows you to avoid capital gains taxes, potentially receive a tax deduction, and make a significant gift to your church. By using appreciated assets, such as stocks or real estate, you can provide a significant gift to your church while also benefiting from tax savings and avoiding capital gains taxes on the appreciated assets.
Using a donor-advised fund to give to your church can benefit you in several ways. It allows you to receive an immediate tax deduction, simplify your giving, and potentially grow your charitable giving over time. By using a donor-advised fund, you can make a one-time contribution and then recommend grants to your church over time while also benefiting from the fund’s investment growth.
Using a family foundation to give to your church can benefit you in several ways. It allows you to create a long-lasting charitable legacy, receive tax benefits, and potentially involve multiple generations in your philanthropy. By creating a family foundation, you can make significant charitable gifts to your church and other causes, while also involving your family in the process and receiving tax benefits for your donations.
Using a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) to give to your church can benefit you in several ways. It allows you to satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) from your IRA tax free, support your church’s mission, and potentially reduce your taxable income. By using a QCD, you can support your church while also benefiting from tax savings and satisfying your RMD requirement.
Using a charitable remainder trust to give to your church can benefit you in several ways. It allows you to receive income for life, potentially reduce your taxes, and leave a charitable legacy. By using a charitable remainder trust, you can support your church and receive income for life, while also benefiting from tax savings and leaving a charitable legacy to your church.
Using a charitable lead trust to give to your church can benefit you in several ways. It allows you to pass assets to your heirs with reduced tax liability, support your church’s mission, and potentially receive a tax deduction. By using a charitable lead trust, you can support your church while also benefiting from tax savings and passing assets to your heirs with reduced tax liability.
Using life insurance to give to your church can benefit you in several ways. It allows you to make a significant gift to your church, potentially reduce estate taxes, and create a lasting legacy. By using life insurance, you can provide a significant gift to your church and potentially reduce estate taxes for your heirs, while also creating a lasting legacy to support your church’s mission.
Using a bequest in your will to give to your church can benefit you in several ways. It allows you to provide a future gift to your church, potentially reduce estate taxes, and retain control of your assets during your lifetime. By using a bequest in your will, you can provide a future gift to your church and potentially reduce estate taxes for your heirs, while also retaining control of your assets during your lifetime.
Using a beneficiary designation on your retirement account to give to your church can benefit you in several ways. It allows you to make a future gift to your church, potentially reduce estate taxes, aud avoid probate. By using a beneficiary designation on your retirement account, you can provide a future gift to your church and potentially reduce estate taxes for your heirs, while also avoiding probate and ensuring that your assets go directly to your intended beneficiary.
Using a paid-up life insurance policy to give to your church can benefit you in several ways. [t allows you to make a significant gift to your church, potentially reduce estate taxes, and receive a tax deduction for the policy’s cash value. By using a paid-up life insurance policy, you can provide a significant gift to your church and potentially reduce estate taxes for your heirs, while also benefiting from a tax deduction for the policy’s cash value.