Cascade Hills Church Celebrate Recovery exists to make fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ out of irreligious people, by providing a safe place, for real people, to work out real problems, with a very real God.
Recovery is just another word for discipleship. We believe Celebrate Recovery is God’s plan to resolve broken fellowship with us and reinstate His original purpose for our lives.
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ centered 12 step-8 principle program based off of the beatitudes found in God’s word for any one struggling with hurt, pain, or addiction of any kind. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community from the issues that are controlling our life.

Are you 18 or older and struggling with…
- Anxiety/Worry
- Anger
- Codependency
- Love & Relationship Struggles
- Relationship Struggles
- Marriage Struggles
- Parenting Struggles
- Identity Struggles
- Mom Guilt
- Perfectionism
- Control
- Grief
- Unforgiveness
- Lack of Contentment
- Lack of Peace
- Boundaries
- Shame
- Guilt
- Eating Disorder
- Addiction
- Food & Body Images Struggles
- Physical-Sexual-Emotional Abuse
- Alcohol/Drug Addiction
- Performance
- Struggling with God
Then CR is the place for you to find the power of God’s healing through the 12 steps and 8 Recovery Principles.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly.
John 10:10 (NASB)
Cascade Hills Church Celebrate Recovery meets every Tuesday night at 6:30 PM in our Main Worship Center and is open to the public at no charge.
Our doors open at 6PM for pizza and refreshments followed by a full worship service beginning at 6:30PM. Each week you will hear a message, or a story of someone’s life who has been changed, based on the 12 steps and the 8 principles based on the beatitudes found in God’s word, which we know are God’s design of how we should walk through life.
After service we meet in our group time where we provide multiple different issue specific groups. This is a safe place to share with others who have similar hurts, habits, and hang-ups.
When you first come into recovery you may be unsure of what you struggle with, A-Z covers ANYTHING from anxiety, to depression, anything from A-Z! This group is where you can learn and identify the area you may be struggling with.
This group is for anyone trying to achieve self-worth through the unhealthy use of love, relationships, or sex.
Chemical dependency is defined as a substance addiction to alcohol or drugs. Have you ever thought that you had a problem with drinking alcohol or using drugs? If so, you may have tried to quit on your own and found that while you can gain some level of sobriety and freedom from the compulsion to use, it can be quite difficult. This group is for anyone who struggles with chemical dependency of any kind.
Co-dependency is when a person’s need for approval or validation from another person allows them to be controlled or manipulated, or a person who attempts to manipulate or control someone. It’s also taking personal responsibility for others. Co-dependency covers a wide array of issues such as relationship issues, parenting issues, marriage issues, and mom guilt! This group is for anyone that is willing to compromise their own values, choices, and behavior at the expense of their personal well-being.
Boundaries are the invisible lines that keep us physically and emotionally safe while effectively functioning. They govern what we are willing to do and not do, say, and hear, and give and receive. Boundaries also provide the ability to know where one person ends, and one person begins. This group is for anyone struggling with boundaries to any capacity.
Next, we move to The Lodge! The Lodge is our place to meet after group time for everyone to have an opportunity to connect with the others and build community!

The Landing
The Landing | 6th-12th grade
TUES 6:30PM | Main Worship Center/ 3rd Floor
The Landing is a Christ-centered environment for Middle and High School students to be honest and open about their hurts, habits, and hang-ups. It’s Celebrate Recovery for teenagers!

Celebration Place
Celebration Place gives children…
- Hope for all the amazing things God has in store for them
- Truths that help them overcome life’s challenges by learning to lean on Jesus
- Joy as they embark on a wonderful, year-long journey of songs, games, videos, impactful experiences, and great conversation
- Friendships with other children
This ministry along with Celebrate Recovery (adults), will take place every single Tuesday evening from 6:30pm-8:30pm. For children between the ages of birth to 4 years old, childcare will be provided in our preschool area. Children will need to be pre-registered. Dinner will also be provided. This ministry is completely free of charge. To register your child, use the button below.
Child-care is offered for children birth-4 years old.
6 pm Check-in/Drop off begins.
(Located on the first floor in our Cascade Kidz preschool area)

Pure Joy Ministry - (Ages 3 -17)
For more information on Cascade Hills Church Celebrate Recovery email tabitha@cascadehills.com or call 706-327-5743.