Kids Week is our summer week long kids program that takes your child on an exciting adventure through the Bible. We will have daily interactive Bible lessons, music, games, and fun. Kids Week is a FREE event for ages 4 years old – 5th grades. This year we will be hosting Kids Week for TWO WEEKS to better serve the children of our community. Please note that your child’s group at Kids Week is based on the grade they JUST COMPLETED. It’s guaranteed to be a good time that your kids won’t to want to miss! Make sure you invite your unchurched friends!

Psalm 136:1

Our 4-year-olds (must be 4 by June 1, 2025) begin with a Preschool Worship Rally in our kids worship room and then head to their assigned classrooms for their Bible Lessons, crafts, snacks, gametime and end of day worship rally. Preschool parents will be allowed to enter through the Kids World entrance at 11:45 am to line up outside of their child’s assigned classroom for pick-up. Preschool pick-up will begin at 12:00 pm.

Kindergarten – 5th grades
Our Kindergarten – 5th grades will start each day with a worship rally in the main worship center. Following the worship rally, they will be guided on a daily rotation of bible lessons, crafts, snacks, and game time. They will end each day back in the main worship center for another worship rally and parent pick up. K-5th parents will be allowed to enter the balcony at 11:30 am after all rotations have returned to the worship center for the end of the day worship rally.

Friday Family Celebration
We will end the week with an evening family fun event to celebrate the end of Kids Week. Bring your family and join us for free waterslides, pizza, and fun. We will also have a kid’s baptism celebration for those children who made a decision to follow Jesus Christ.
4 years – 2nd grade (June 20th from 6PM – 8PM).
3rd – 5th grade, and Special Needs (June 27th from 6PM -8PM).
There are two dates for Kids Week, based on your child's age/grade.
Dates: June 16th – 20th
Who: children age 4 (by June 1st) through completed 2nd grade for the 2024-25 school year.
- Monday – Thursday from 9am – 12pm
- Friday Family Event from 6pm – 8pm
Group Assignment: Our system automatically assigns children to their group at the time of registration. Children will need to stay with their assigned group throughout the duration of the day. We recommend coordinating with friends to register at the same time to ensure they can be placed with friends. Requests to be placed with friends who are in the same age group can be made by emailing kidsweek@cascadehills.com. Group change requests after pre-registration closes can be made during Kids Week at our walk-up registration tables.
Early Pick-up: We will do our best to try and accommodate your family’s schedule. If you need to pick-up your child early, you will need to sign them out at the Front Desk near the Worship Center lobby. Please have your parent security card or valid ID to verify that you are authorized to pick up the child. All early pick-up’s will be shut down at 11:00 am.
Dates: June 23rd – 27th
Who: Children who just completed 3rd grade through 5th grade during the 2024-25 school year and those with special needs*.
- Monday – Thursday from 9am – 12pm
- Friday Family Event from 6pm – 8pm.
Group Assignment: Our system automatically assigns children to their group at the time of registration. Children will need to stay with their assigned group throughout the duration of the day. We recommend coordinating with friends to register at the same time to ensure they can be placed with friends. Requests to be placed with friends who are in the same age group can be made by emailing kidsweek@cascadehills.com. Group change requests after pre-registration closes can be made during Kids Week at our walk-up registration tables.
Early Pick-up: We will do our best to try and accommodate your family’s schedule. If you need to pick-up your child early, you will need to sign them out at the Front Desk near the Worship Center lobby. Please have your parent security card or valid ID to verify that you are authorized to pick up the child. All early pick-up’s will be shut down at 11:00 am.
*We offer our Special Needs, Pure Joy Ministry, for those children who do not thrive in the mainstream environment. We recommend registering early as spots are limited.
Monday – Thursday
- 8:00 AM registration/will-call start
- 8:30 AM drop off start
- 9:00 AM event start
- 9:10 AM drop off ends
- 11:30 AM end of day worship rally/parent arrival begins
- 12:00 PM event end
- 5:45 PM family registration/check-in start
- 6:00 PM event start
- 7:50 PM last call for baptisms
- 8:00 PM event end
- 8:00 AM registration/will-call start
- 8:30 AM drop off start
- 9:00 AM event start
- 9:10 AM drop off ends
- 11:30 AM end of day worship rally/parent arrival begins
- 12:00 PM event end
Please be sure your child is wearing their wristband before drop off. When your child has their wristband on, and you have your drop-off tag you may choose to either use the drop-off car line or park (do not use drop off tag) and walk your child/children inside. Parents may walk their child/children up to the lobby area during drop off. Drop off ends at 9:10am, late arrivals can be walked up to the front desk in the worship center lobby.
At pick up, parents/guardians are required to park and enter the building.
Preschool parents may enter through the Kids World entrance and begin lining up at their child’s classroom at 11:45 am.
Kindergarten – 5th grade parents will be allowed to enter through the worship center doors and may choose to watch the end of day worship rally in our parent section on the balcony, or they may choose to wait to the far right side of the lobby for the pick-up doors to open. Pick-up for Kindergarten – 5th grade will begin at 12:00 PM.
*To ensure everyone’s safety, parents/guardians must bring the matching parent pick up card or show a photo of it. Please send a photo of your parent pick up card to anyone who will be picking up your child during the week.
Children who arrive past 9:10 am can be walked up to the front desk in the worship center lobby so they can be safely escorted to their group.
Please download, print and fill out the Kids Week Medication Form by clicking here . Place it in a gallon size ziplock bag with medication. Medication MUST be dropped off to the Nurse the morning of the event by a parent and cannot be brought by the child. Medication must be picked up by the end of day on Thursday of the week your child is attending.
Groups are broken down by Grade and the letter A – F. Your child will automatically be assigned to a group based on when registration is completed and will remain with that group for the duration of the week. Assigned groups will be printed on the child’s wristband and parent pick up card. There will be signage and a map for children and parents to find their correct group.
The registering parent can make friend requests/group changes by emailing kidsweek@cascadehills.com with their request. Our team will do their best to accommodate at least one request per child. Once Kids Week begins, group changes/friend requests can be completed at our walk-up registration tables during drop off and pick up.
We will end the week with an evening family fun event to celebrate the end of Kids Week. We will provide water slides, free pizza and drinks, and have a baptism service available for those children who made a decision to follow Jesus Christ and want to follow through with their next step. This is a family style event so please plan on attending with your family.
The event schedule:
- 5:45 PM family registration/check-in start
- 6:00 PM event start
- 7:50 PM last call for baptisms
- 8:00 PM event end

Adults and students who have completed 6th grade and up are eligible to volunteer.
Youth (12– 17) Adult* (18 and up) *Six months of attendance and background check required if not already on file.
Lead groups of children in one of the following areas:
- Bible Story Team
- Craft Team
- Registration Team
- Game Time Team
- Snack Team
- Parking Lot Team
- Drop-off/Pick-up Team
- Worship Rally Team
- Hospitality Team
- Invitation Team
- Front Desk/Nurses Station Team
- Baptism at the Park Event Team
- Security Team
- Preschool Classroom Lead
- Preschool Classroom Aide
- Youth Runners (ages 12-17)
Complete volunteer interview and background check process if not currently serving.
Adult volunteers attend the Kids Week Volunteer meeting on Monday, May 19, 2025 at 6:30 PM inside of the kids worship room.
Youth volunteers attend the youth training and sign up event on: date TBD.
Arriving at the main worship center at 7:45 AM daily for the Volunteer Team Huddle.
Sign up today!
Youth (12– 17) Adult* (18 and up)
*background check may be required if not already on file.
Your child’s security is a top priority for us at Cascade Hills Church. After registration we will issue you a security pick-up tag with your children’s names on it. Please keep that handy for pick up. You may also take a picture of it with your smart phone to show at the doors after you have your children. Your child/children will be given a color-coded bracelet by their grade with their security number for the week.
We ask that they keep these bracelets on for the duration of the week.
For additional security during the event we will have a security team in place throughout the church campus to ensure additional safety procedures.

Are you as excited as we are?
Registration launches soon! Check back on April 12th!