Christian Pastoral Spiritual Guidance
Cascade Hills Church is fully committed to serving and providing our clients with the highest quality spiritual guidance available. Our services are provided to members of Cascade Hills Church free of charge.
Christian spiritual guidance is covered under clergy confidentiality; therefore, any information discussed during a spiritual guidance session is not available for subpoena in any court of law. In addition, the client understands that any notes or files on the client are the sole property of Cascade Hills Church and are not to be removed or given to anyone, including the client. If the client is involved in a legal dispute or if it is perceived that a potential legal issue may arise, it is the discretion of the pastor to refer the client to a licensed professional counselor at any time.
Spiritual guidance is provided by non-licensed pastors who are seminary-trained to deal with spiritual concerns. If any in-depth psychological counseling is necessary, clients will be referred to a licensed professional counselor.
The nature of spiritual guidance requires the expectation that all conversations with the pastor are kept confidential and that under no circumstances is that information disseminated, except for reasons of peer supervision or when the client or another individual is in danger or at risk.
Premarital spiritual guidance consists of 6 fifty-five minute sessions and is a requirement to get married at Cascade Hills Church or by any of our ministers.
The client understands that outside of the spiritual guidance relationship, there may be situations which arise when the client may interact with the pastor. At no point, the pastors will not discuss any spiritual guidance related issues, to ensure the client’s confidentiality.
Appointment Information
Due to limited sessions, if a client fails to show for an appointment without giving proper advanced notice, the client could be suspended from spiritual guidance services for an extended time. If it happens more than once, the client will be referred to an outside counseling provider. To make or cancel an appointment, please call 706-327-5743.
If a client arrives late for an appointment, they will only receive spiritual guidance for the remainder of the allotted session time. Client sessions will only last 55 minutes and cannot be extended due to tardiness.
Childcare issues arise periodically. We cannot provide childcare during appointments nor can children be present in sessions in most cases.
I have read this agreement for the spiritual guidance consent form and by signing, I am complying with all the stated requirements for Christian spiritual guidance at Cascade Hills Church. I also agree that I cannot call any Cascade Hills Church pastoral care member to testify on my behalf or on the behalf of my children/family members in a court of law.