“The Church for the UnChurched”, discover your Next Step.
What's Your Next Step ?
Our mission here at Cascade Hills Church has always been to make fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ out of irreligious people. To accomplish this, we needed to make the “how-to” of becoming a fully devoted follower a little clearer. With this goal in mind, we’ve assembled this handy guide we’re calling, Next Steps.
Using our logo as a model, we’ve laid out each step in its recommend succession. Following this guide will guarantee continued growth in your Christian walk. If you missed an action step or were introduced to the church via a LIFEgroup, that’s ok too; you can always check off each step in any order you like. So don’t feel confined.
To find out more about any of the “Next Steps” below, simply click on the corresponding box, and we’ll get you all the information you need to get started.

Salvation & Baptism
A relationship with God is not something you are born with or you acquire by inheritance, it’s a personal choice to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by faith. Baptism is an outward symbol of your decision to follow Christ. Click here if you’re ready to take this vital step.

Starting Point
Starting Point is held monthly and is open to anyone new to the church. We will provide dinner and childcare while you have the opportunity to meet our Pastor, staff, and ministry volunteers as you begin discovering your purpose here. To RSVP for this event, click here.

We weren’t meant to do life alone. Our LIFEgroups encourage you to join a group consisting of about 8-12 individuals. These groups allow you to develop authentic relationships outside the walls of the church. To find your group, click here.

Saved people serve people. Did you know that it takes hundreds of volunteers each weekend to make our services happen? Don’t be content with being a consumer, contribute to a cause that matters. To view all available opportunities and start the registration process, click here.